
our member


Volunteer Opportunities

C4 has a space for everyone. C4 is a nonpartisan startup charity with many opportunities for volunteers interested in social justice. Two of our volunteer opportunities are featured on this page. Please click below to register to become a volunteer!


Membership options

Client Selection Committee
After meeting to practice established methodology for scoring Client Applications, the Selection Committee will score individual applications to select the applicants who best match C4 intent to correct injustices in our County, and who are most likely to achieve financial stability through home or business ownership with C4 help.  Training will occur in March, and scoring will be completed in May.


Client Liaisons

After receiving training, Client Liaisons will work with one or more
individual clients applying C4 worksheets and resources to identify how C4
can best help them achieve home or business ownership and to assist in
linking them to community resources.  Client Liaisons will meet with one or
more clients every 60 days to assess progress and assist with necessary
“course corrections.”  Client Liaisons will meet periodically with each
other to discuss lessons learned and desirable process changes.  Liaison
training will occur in April; client meetings will start in May.

C4 …helping to fulfill dreams deferred!